POWR’s Partner, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, is looking for volunteers to help live stake a section of the Clarion River bank in Clear Creek State Park on April 21st. Volunteers will spend the morning harvesting materials on site, and the afternoon installing them. If you’re new to live staking, check out this swell info page from Penn State Extension: https://extension.psu.edu/live-staking-for-stream-restoration or their 12 minute video on it: https://extension.psu.edu/live-staking-a-how-to-guide
Meet at 8:30 am in the park, at the large parking lot on the river side of the road, just after you cross Clear Creek. Lat/longs: 41.329613, -79.102843 Google Maps Link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/41%C2%B019’46.6%22N+79%C2%B006’10.2%22W/@41.329613,-79.1035526,323m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m12!1m7!3m6!1s0x89ccdea3f854291d:0x9b67f82accba4ef4!2sClear+Creek+State+Park!8m2!3d41.3270846!4d-79.0925931!16zL20vMDg1bGNq!3m3!8m2!3d41.329613!4d-79.102843
Dress for the weather, bring lunch, snacks, and water. Whatever you need for a day by the stream. Knee high boots to hip or chest waders should be acceptable. There will be tools there for folks to use like loppers, hand pruners, buckets, steel and rubber mallets; however, if you have your own set you prefer, by all means you’re welcome to bring them!
PLEASE email Luke Bobnar lbobnar@paconserve.org if you plan to attend. Event may be canceled the morning of if the river rises suddenly. April 26th and May 5th are backup dates to give the water time to recede, if necessary.