Webinar: Managing Invasive Species and Overgrown Landscapes with Goats

Virtual Event PA, United States

We hope you will join us for a presentation about managing the fast-growing, pervasive, and invasive Japanese Knotweed. Japanese Knotweed is commonly found along streams and rivers, in low-lying areas, and in disturbed areas such as rights-of-way. It often creates monoculture stands that threaten native plant communities. It is notoriously difficult to manage and get rid of! Join POWR and your watershed organization colleagues for a presentation on one method that was used to control knotweed in a local park: […]

Webinar: Riparian Buffers…Not Just for Water Quality

Virtual Event PA, United States

Meadows and forests adjacent to waterways not only help remove pollutants from stormwater flowing into our waterways, they also serve as important habitat and migration corridors for many of Pennsylvania's native land (and air) based animals! Knowing and understanding these additional benefits can help you engage and inspire more people in your community by tapping into the issues and creatures they may care most about. During this free webinar, staff of the PA Game Commission and volunteers of Bird Town […]

World Water Day Camp; All Water Ceremony

The gorgeous solar-powered Tree Pittsburgh venue on the shore of our beautiful Allegheny River will provide the perfect place for our water-loving community to gather. Brooke Smokelin- Pittsburgh native, river lover, environmental educator, and founder of The River Alchemy Project, will be sharing slides and stories of the amazing bodies of water she met on her most recent All Water/ Song of Light Tour around the country this summer & fall as part of the ongoing River Alchemy Project. We […]


Webinar: Bringing Green Parking Lots to Your Community: Part 1

Virtual Event PA, United States

Join your watershed colleagues and POWR for Part 1 of 2-part conversation about Bringing Green Parking Lots to Your Community: The Benefits and Challenges. Parking lots have been one of the fastest growing land uses, covering acres of land with impervious asphalt and becoming a dominant landscape feature in many communities They contribute to the urban heat island, which elevates temperatures in communities, and have an impact on water quality and stormwater runoff that degrade our streams and rivers. They […]

Pennsylvania Game Commission Program Update

Virtual Event PA, United States

You're invited to join POWR's partner, WeConservePA, as they host Bryan Burhans from the Pennsylvania Game Commission for a brief activity update and opportunity for conversation. Bryan will give participants an overview of the various program areas of the Game Commission, the commission’s work in preserving state game lands, and opportunities for land trusts (and watershed organizations) to engage and partner. Learn more about Bryan and register HERE

Webinar: Bringing Green Parking Lots to Your Community: Part 2

Virtual Event PA, United States

Join your watershed colleagues and POWR for Part 2 of 2-part conversation about Bringing Green Parking Lots to Your Community: The Benefits and Challenges. Parking lots have been one of the fastest growing land uses, covering acres upon acres of land with impervious asphalt and becoming a dominant landscape feature in many communities They contribute to the urban heat island, which elevates temperatures in communities, and have an impact on water quality and stormwater runoff that degrade our streams and […]

Film Screening: Search for the Cooper: A River Hidden in Plain View

Independence Seaport Museum 211 S Christopher Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA

Search for the Cooper: A River Hidden in Plain View, an award winning film that chronicles the expedition taken by four Camden youth in June 2022 to unlock the hidden beauty and find the source of the Cooper River in Camden County will be screened on the 4th floor of the Independence  Seaport Museum in Philadelphia on Thursday, April 20th. The screening is at 6:30pm followed by a Q & A with the expedition team. This event is Free to […]

Volunteer Opportunity: Live Staking at Clear Creek State Park

Clear Creek State Park Sigel, PA

POWR's Partner, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, is looking for volunteers to help live stake a section of the Clarion River bank in Clear Creek State Park on April 21st. Volunteers will spend the morning harvesting materials on site, and the afternoon installing them. If you’re new to live staking, check out this swell info page from Penn State Extension: https://extension.psu.edu/live-staking-for-stream-restoration or their 12 minute video on it: https://extension.psu.edu/live-staking-a-how-to-guide Meet at 8:30 am in the park, at the large parking lot on the river […]

Susquehanna River North Branch Volunteer Cleanup – Wyoming County

Susquehanna River

Come help the EMHR and several event partners with a river cleanup in Wyoming County on our 2023 PA River of the Year! As manager of the Upper Susquehanna River North Branch Water Trail, it is imperative that the EMHR promote environmental stewardship and conservation efforts that protect this magnificent and historic natural resource! As part of our long lineup of River of the Year events in 2023, we are hosting several volunteer cleanups along the water trail. The first […]


Clarks Creek Watershed Assoc. Adapt-a-Highway Trash Pick Up

Flemish Down 1231 Clarks Valley Road

The Clarks Creek Watershed Associaion is hosting the 23rd "Adopt-a-Highway" Trash pickup session on Saturday, May 13, 2023, from 9 am to noon. Once again, our efforts are under the aegis of the Great American Clean-Up of Pennsylvania. We will meet at FLEMISH DOWN, 1231 Clarks Valley Road, at 9 am for orientation and distribution of gloves, tools and trash bags. We will also be providing MASKS for anyone who needs to wear one while collecting the trash (or you […]

Putting Water Quality Data to Work, Locally: A Conversation Café

Virtual Event PA, United States

The Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers, along with our partners from Stroud Water Research Center, Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward Program, and local watershed organizations invite you to a special Conversation Café to explore challenges and opportunities for meaningfully sharing water quality monitoring data with municipal officials, EACs, and the public for improved land use planning and decision-making on local policy and practice. POWR is excited to host this event to give watershed organization leaders and volunteers, Master […]

Paddler’s Toolkit Workshop

Dietrich Theater 60E Tioga St, Tunkhannock, PA

POWR is pleased to support and promote SGP's Paddler's Toolkit Workshop Series. Looking for an opportunity to develop your paddling skills and become a more informed and confident paddler? Want to learn more about the environment and plants and animals you’ll encounter on your next Susquehanna paddle? Join POWR's partner, the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership, and Pennsylvania Master Naturalist (PMN) for this Paddler’s Toolkit Workshop. The Paddler’s Toolkit will provide novice and veteran paddlers with new information and resources to enhance […]

$30 – $60

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We would love to help promote other Pennsylvania water related events on our calendar. If your organization has an event to include, submit it for approval so we can help get the word out.

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